Assignment 6:
• 5 Pics demonstrating each of vertical, horizontal & radial symmetry.
• One B/W composition depicting asymmetrical balance.
Assignment 7:
• A B/W composition of points to show gradation.
• A B/W composition of points to represent any of the following:
Clouds, Stones, Sculptures, Sand dunes, Rock formations, Waves.
Assignment 8:
• A B/W composition with 10 different elements & one emphasized.
Assignment 9:
• A miniature model of any object of choice.
Assignment 10:
• Create chaos in A3 by any means.
Note: Paper should be intact
Assignment 11:
• In A3, draw an apple/ mango/ orange with any three of:
Wood, Glass, Metal, Fur, Stone, Concrete, Plastic or Leather Texture.
Note: 3-Dimesionality should be present.