McCarthy and Wright (2004) proposed a framework to the account of user experience largely in terms of how user feels about the product in different phases of product experience. They proposed that there are four core threads which are responsible for the user’s holistic experiences. These are ‘The sensual thread’, ‘The emotional thread’, ‘The compositional thread’, and ‘The spatio-temporal thread’.
The sensual thread is concerned with our sensory engagement with situation and is similar to visceral level of Norman’s model (2004). For examples, sensory engagement in interactivity of users with cell phones, computer games, chat-room etc. during their use.
The emotional threads involve common human emotions, such as sorrow, anger, happiness etc. may be influenced during product use. For example, a person may feel anger while using a computer because it does not work properly. Emotion may also involve for making judgment of value of a product. Such situation arises when a person likes a cell phone with cool look but they may be in emotional turmoil due to high cost/ expensiveness of that phone. They can’t really afford them though they like this product.
The compositional thread refers to narrative part of product experience; as it unfolds the way a person make sense of them. For example, if consumers experienced frustration during product purchase process due to e-retailer’s website design related problems, they may not purchase products from the website though they like the product. Proper navigation assistance is necessary for such situation.
The spatio-temporal thread is concerned with the space and time in which our experiences take place and effect of their influencing factors. For example, when someone need their own space for talking with someone who is special, at that time both standing alone for taking and or avoiding crowd. Space designers may thing about such situation for their design implementation. Even, buying of complete entertainment system TV verses buying of MP3 player/ radio may be considerable for future scopes of research. There are two groups of people. In one group, those are like to watch cricket match in TV with many other audiences, other group may like to hear the commentary of cricket match in radio.