The term Hypercomics has emerged from the combination of the visual structure of comics with the interactive narrative structure of hyperfiction. Daniel Merlin Goodbrey, who has coined this term, has also pioneered in the field of online sequential art. He is known to be one of the first to have experimented with multi-cursural narrative structure, emphasizing on the reader’s choice and interaction in storytelling.
(Fig.1) PoCom-UK-001, comic by Daniel Merlin Goodbrey.
As shown one of examples for hypercomics above and a linked along with it, PoCom was of well-known works of Goodbrey where the multi-cursural parallax adamantly utilized. It features collaboration between 18 cartoonists to create the hypercomic.
Other great examples for hypercomics are found in his site. One of the recent one is shown below with its respective link fot the interactive experience:
(Fig.2) The Empty Kingdom, Interactive comic by Daniel Merlin Goodbrey.