From ages long sand has formed an integral part of all structures around us, be it natural or created. Both nature and mankind have used sand solely or mixed with other elements to create structures or forms based on purpose or utility.
Using sand as a medium for creating artworks is another additional dimension to it. Sand art is very broad aspect which includes various art forms:
1. Sand sculpting (creating a 3D sculpture from beach sand)
[Image source]
2. Sand painting inside glass bottle – (Pouring colourful sand inside the bottle and creating painting/pattern by arranging it)
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3. Sand tapestry – (weaving and sculpting with layers of colourful sand)
Image source – Screenshot from -
4. Sand animation – (Series of paintings over a light box)
These art forms are well recognized and have been practiced by many artists in and around the globe. One can choose his/her genre of interest in one or many of these exciting art forms. Here we will be exploring mainly about Sand art and animation.