The following two sections of this chapter are based on the work of Vezzoli, C., (2007) [Chapter 5: Methods and tools for SDS. SYSTEM DESIGN FOR SUSTAINABILITY: Theory, methods and tools for a sustainable “satisfaction-system” design. Second Edition, Maggioli Editore. pp. 215-294].
Here the Methodology for System Design for Sustainability (MSDS) is described together with its tools. Both methodology and tools have been tested by the DIS Research Unit. The same method was also adopted in pilot courses within the research project LeNS.
MSDS was developed by the research unit System Design and Innovation for Sustainability (DIS) in the INDACO department of the Politecnico di Milano. This method aims to support and orient the entire process of system innovation development towards sustainability. It was conceived for designers and companies and special attention has been paid to co-designing procedures both within the company itself and outside, bringing different socio-economic actors and end-users into play.
This method is organised in stages, processes and sub-processes. The MDSS method is also characterised by a flexible modular structure that can be easily adapted to the specific needs of the designers or companies and to diverse design contexts and conditions.
It consists of four main stages:
1. strategic analysis
2. exploring opportunities
3. designing system concepts
4. designing and engineering a system
The details of the various stages are shown in the images below:
Source: Vezzoli, C., (2007) Chapter 5: Methods and tools for SDS. SYSTEM DESIGN FOR
SUSTAINABILITY: Theory, methods and tools for a sustainable “satisfaction-system” design .
Second Edition, Maggioli Editore. pp. 215-294.