General References:
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Figure-ground Segregation
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Figure-Ground Reversal
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Embedded Figures
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Zerubavel, E. (2015). Hidden in plain sight (pp. 37-48). Oxford University Press.
Illusory Contour Illusion
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Cornsweet Illusion
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Grid illusions
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Poggendorff Illusion
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Muller lyer Illusion
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Bulging Checkerboard
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Hering’s illusion
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Orbison illusion
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Zollner Illusion
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Ligthning Checkerboard
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Simultaneous Contrast
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Colour assimilation effect/ bezold effect
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Water colour illusion
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Perception of motion
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Movement and Motion in static picture
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Primrose Illusion
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Ouchi illusion
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Size distance illusion
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Jastrow illusion
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Delboeuf illusion
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Impossible figures
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Ames Room
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Attention and perception
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