Pattern is created by the repetition of something - these could be events, objects or elements. We are interested in visual patterns. Hence, we shall explore repetition of similar visual images to create patterns.
The repetition can be by means of the following:
• Repetition of Shape (the repeating shape can change gradually in shape).
• Repetition of Colour (the repeating colour can change gradually in colour).
• Repetition Texture (the repeating texture can change gradually in texture.)
• Gradation of Orientation (i.e., the orientation changes gradually).
• Gradation of Size (i.e., the size changes gradually).
• Gradation of position (i.e., the position changes gradually).
The repetition can be by means of the following:
• Repetition through Translation
• Repetition through Rotation
• Repetition through Reflection
Patterns can be repetitions that are a combination of translation, scaling, rotation and reflection.
Repetition can be Symmetric:
If the repetition happens through reflection, then it leads to symmetry. This happens when on half appears to be a reflection of the other half. We can observe symmetry in objects and living beings. You can also observe symmetries in geometrical equations and conceptual objects.
When something is repeated many times, it leads to patterns. So if an image is repeated, it leads to a visual pattern.
And, if this pattern, in turn is repeated again and again; it could reach a stage, where it looses its original identity and forms a new pattern. This new pattern is called as a Meta-pattern.
This meta pattern is formed by repetition of letterforms - which by itself have lost their identity: