Sen Bhagat was a very devout man and the royal barber whose duty was to shave the King every day. The king was quite fastidious and a staunch disciplinarian. He was not known to take kindly to anyone being late. The king had a terrible allergy on his face and the barber had to be extremely careful while shaving him. One day Sen Bhagat got busy praying and looking after some sadhus and rishis who were visiting the town. As a result he got late. While rushing to the palace he was quite sure that a punishment awaited him from the king. But as soon as he arrived he saw the king was already shaved and his allergy was gone. When the king saw Sen Bhagat he was surprised and asked him why was he back for the second time in the day? The king was pleased nonetheless and said he had not thanked him adequately earlier in the day but would like to thank him properly by showering him with gifts. And thus Sen Bhagat realized it was God who had impersonated Sen Bhagat so the king would not be furious with him for coming late and punish him severely on that account. When a person is so devout even the gods come to their rescue.