Sabala is an organization that works for the Upliftment of the women. It is an organization that lives to support the wandering women by supporting them with a livelihood. Sabala initially began with the concern of helping the Banjara women who use to travel from one place to another in the making of salt. In pre Independence time it is said these people had travelled from the Northern part of India and settled in and around Bijapur with work of making salt in those regions.
The word Sabala means powerful where Sabala is very famous mostly in the region of Bijapur. In Bijapur the region of Karnataka in India Sabala is generally located, and it is a voluntary organization that is made for the empowerment of the women and children of these areas. This organization specially deals with the widows, ladies looking for a living by handling jobs with available skills, destitute, tribals and economically backward people. It generally helps the Adolescent girls to be empowered and self- developed.
Banjara/ Lambadi’s were the people who travelled along to the south part of India long years ago from the Northern parts of India. It is said that their main job was to make salt from the water sources that are stagnated in the nearby available places. Thereby few of these people had settled in Bijapur and neighbouring places taking up the jobs available to them at their ends as labourers and construction workers.
One of the women Mrs. Mallamma Yalawar came forward and stood firm in supporting the cause of upliftment of the cultural heritage of the Banjara/ Lambani community. This directly enhanced the following crafts such as Banjara/ Lambani Embroidery, Banjara/ Lambani Jewellery making, Key Chain Making, Jute Bag Making etc.