Exploring Visual Transformations:
• The task is to create a family of 9 related characters with visual similarities that are substituted/integrated from any one of the following plants or trees.
• The exercise involves explorations in visual transformations by ‘substitution or mapping of features and relationships' and in addition creating a Visual Identity as part of a Family.
Choose your Topic:
• Choose from any of the given topics
1. ‘Indian politician, his friends and family’ with characteristics from ‘Thorny Cactus Plant’
2. ‘A Cat family’ with characteristics from ‘Coconut tree’
3. ‘A mobile phone series’ with characteristics from ‘Lotus flower’
4. ‘Devanagari letterforms’ with characteristics from ‘Banyan Tree’
5. ‘Bollywood movie characters’ with characteristics from ‘Sunflower’
6. ‘A family of aliens’ with characteristics from ‘Banana plant/fruit’
7. ‘A set of perfume bottles’ with characteristics from ‘Grape wine’
8, ‘Furniture for the house’ with characteristics from ‘Christmas Tree’
9. ‘A family on vacation’ with characteristics from ‘Poisonous Mushroom’
10.‘Signage for Resort’ with characteristics from ‘Bamboo Plant’
Study and analysis of your topic:
- Analyze the given tree/ plant/ flower in great detail.
- Sketch various viewpoints – dissect, cut, slice, top and side view, macro to micro viewpoints, etc.
Substitution/ Insertion and creating a family:
Create a family of 9 (Nine) related characters with similar identities by substituting features from your chosen topic.
One should be able to identify the characteristics quite easily.
• You’ll need to take printouts on 200mm x 200mm sheets.
• The final representations should be precise, graphical and clear.
Design Process:
1. Understanding the 'Subject' in terms of the character as well as the plant.
2. Get examples or go to the field - look at it all points of view and sketch + sketch
3. Identify the characteristics of content and do visual explorations.
4. Continue Character Explorations: 1st day.
5. Concepts on 1st day evening.
6. Final idea Sketches: 2nd day morning.
7. You can make use of any media for representation.
8. Finalization, representation and presentation: 2nd day evening.
Total Time Duration: 15 hours of studio time.