a) Beach sand - For the basic practice, one needs to collect some sand from any beach and refine it. It is always convenient to use fine sand as it doesn’t spread unwillingly while practicing sand art. However for Sand animation, one can use sand of different granular sizes for adding textures to Visuals.
b) Colour sand – These are used mainly with white background light, as the true colours of these appear in white light. Mainly used while animating.
2) A box, whether it be a cardboard box, a wooden box or made of fibre. One can use any of these which is opened from one side and able to hold the weight of Glass over it. It depends on the practitioner how big or small the set-up he/she needs.
3) Glass can be a thickness of 5mm or more. A plane transparent glass can be taken and butter papers can be stuck to one side to diffuse the light coming from inside the box or a white (semi-transparent) Acrylic sheet can be used.
4) Lights – Tube lights, LED lights or any bright light source can be used. One just needs to make sure that it doesn’t get heated up.
5) Projector-screen and an overhead camera