Banana fiber is a natural skin fiber. No chemicals are used in the manufacture of its products. The interest in using natural fibers has increased significantly in the last few years because of its natural and Bio-degradable properties.
Tools and Machines Used:
1. Spinning wheel for banana yarn and spool and spindle making.
2. Hand loom to weave mats.
3. Scissors.
4. Measuring tape.
5. Hacksaw blade.
6. Pulling-needles used while setting the loom.
List of Raw Materials Used:
1. Kora grass.
2. Bamboo.
3. Sheep wool.
4. Cotton threads.
5. Banana fiber from Banana plant.
6. Lavancha- procured from Mangalore and Kerala.
7. Hibiscus- Pudi Naaru imported from Andhra Pradesh.