The mat weaving process is similar to other weaving techniques. Weaving is traditionally done in basic pit looms. The type of weaving practiced in Lakkavanahalli is very simple without using any Jacquard machines to create extra designs. The aesthetic look is created by using colorful threads, wool, kora grass and few other natural yarns. The steps involved in making process are spinning, warping and weaving.
Pure cotton thread is wound into spools and spindles with the help of traditional spinning wheel to make warp threads. The thread from the bundle of cotton yarn is reeled to spool and wound on it. The prepared spools and spindles are used in warp as well as weft processing.
Warp Making:
The yarn from the number of spools are taken and reeled to big circular wooden warp machine. Length of warp is loaded into the weaving loom and tied to the weavers beam.
Once the warp threads are loaded into the loom, weft is prepared. Banana yarn is wound on the flat wooden stick which acts as fly-shuttle. The shuttle passes through the opens of warp shed to process weft.