Ajarakh came to Kutchh from the “Sindh” Region in the 16thcentury. Invited by the King of Kutchh Raav Bhaarmalji, their ancestor JindaJiva came to Kutchh. Since then the craft of Ajarakh was carried out in a village called ‘Dhamadka ‘ chosen by Jiva after scrutinizing the mineral content of the water. Traditionally Ajarakh was worn by the Sindhis, the Jats and the Halepurtra communities as a turban, a shoulder gear and a Lungi. It was also worn in marriages. The combination of traditional motifs and colors (Indigo and Red) is called Ajarakh. Traditionally there were only 10-15 motifs, new colors and motifs have been developed since then. Today Ajarakh is a well known craft of Kutchh and has become very popular in other parts of the world. During this study works and practices of Master craftsmen Abdul Bhai and his son Sufianbhai were thoroughly covered.