The very first step for making animal puppets is cutting bamboo sticks and joining them together to make a basic body structure. A dried husk is used and tied with thread on the bamboo structure to give the body shape. Once the basic body shape is formed, it is covered with fabric. Different types of colourful cloths are used to cover the body structure of the animal. The fabric is stitched with a needle and thread.
The ears are made using newspaper. A paper is folded into the required shape of the ear and then covered with fabric. It is used to giving stiffness to the ear. Then it is stitched with the needle and thread. The tail is also made by rolling newspaper in a fabric. It is attached in the same way as ears. Now comes the decoration part. A contrast colour thick lace is wrapped around the different body parts of the animal. Beginning from mouth, head, neck, middle body part to the legs are wrapped with colourful lace. Eyes are made by using buttons.
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