Flower making is a simple process. Firstly papers are cut and shaped into suitable forms to make the leaves and petals. The process can be done by using scissors. The petals and other parts of the flower are then assembled, and the flower is assembled up from the center. Lastly, the flower and leaves are mounted and attached to a stem. The stem is made of brass or iron wire with a green-colored material wrapped around it.
The center of the flower should be made first, then the petals, and then leaves. A bunch of small short stamens is used as a center. The petals are cut to shape from crepe paper. The neat part of the work consists of assembling the petals around the prepared center. Arrange the petals carefully, tie a thread around the end of the paper petal, and hold the parts firmly together. To complete the flower, trim away the extra paper. Three to five leaves are sufficient for attachment to each flower stem. The leaves are attached to the stem under the petals and wrapped again by green paper to finish the flower.
Flow Chart: