There are various patterns of bottle Art in Orissa that’s been followed from ages which basically consists of geometrical patterns like circle that representing the sun and the moon, triangle which is derived from mountains and pointed trees, Square that indicates a sacred enclosure or a piece of land. These geometric figures are joined together to form beautiful patterns. Like two apex of triangles are joined together to form a human figure.
Following are the tools and raw materials used for the process of Bottle Painting:
• Empty Bottle: It is used as a canvas base for the painting.
• Cloth: It is used to place on the bottle with the help of a glue for better quality painting.
• Trace Paper: It is used to trace the drawing for placing on the bottle.
• Emery Paper: It is used to clear the smooth surface of the bottle before painting.
• Metallic Colours: Its used to paint on the bottle as they are water proof.
• Poster Colors: Its used to mix with white paint for final details.
• White Poster: Its applied the first layer on the bottle.
• Carbon Sheet: Its helps in tracing the image.
• Pencil: Its helps in drawing the required image on bottle.
• Tamarind Seed Powder: Its used as a sticking agent.
• Water: Its used to add in the glue and for mixing paints.
• Thinner: Its used to mix with enamel paint for liquidizing the paint.
• Coconut Shell: It is used to mix paints and store within.
• Varnish: It is applied for protecting the paint from dust and to gain gloss finish.