Clay is an interesting natural material which is used to create variety of objects for everyday purposeful items to show pieces. The method to shape and design the ceramic products have been passed down through generations to which new insights and technical developments are added to create different types of products. History of ceramic equals the history of human race reflecting the changing tradition and rituals of civilizations. Clay has an exceptional ability to be molded by hand or casted into variety of articles that are turned into stone when exposed to heat. Ceramic products are generally made for cooking purpose, but with the change in time and the creativity of people made to produce different types of articles of ceramic. Ceramic products are known all over the globe and it is one of the common crafts made in many parts of the world, where few products made into designer pieces or beautiful statues or vases and others are made into variety of useful crockeries. Both traditional and modern methods are used to produce these unique products.
Kurja is a city in the state of Uttar Pradesh (UP) famous for ceramic products since around 400 years. This craft is recognized, certified, supported in development and sales by UP government. The products are famous for their beautiful design and different creations from clay. Their main products are kitchen ware, pots and big vases that are used for decoration. The products are sold more in India but also exported to different parts of the world. Many craftsmen make this craft as a profession and some make it as a hobby and some carry forward their fore father’s work. The ceramic crafts has been an important craft of the Indian civilization, still it is a unique craft of India.
Contacts: Khurja has many ceramic industries supported by Indian Ceramic Society and one can visit for more information. Mr.Zeheeruddin, National awardee from Maya Industries in Khurja helped us by providing all the information of ceramic pottery, he can be reached at and +91 9555407495, +91 9358645851