The tools and machinery used in Dharmavaram ranges from the ancient to the modern technology of weaving silk sarees. Different types of tools are used during the various stages of the weaving process, beginning from the dyeing process, to making of the thread, spinning and finally the weaving process. The main implements needed for the dyeing process are the dyes, a huge container for boiling, and iron rods for drying. The spinning wheel helps in turning fiber into thread or yarn. The fly shuttle and the paddle are the key instruments which help in the designing and weft formation. The weaving process begins by plotting of the design on a graph paper and by punching them into a perforated card called Jacquard, which is linked in a chain as per the design. It helps in punching the designs in the required sequence and desired pattern.The design required on the saree is initially drawn in a computer and then this is punched into a card and then these cards are loaded in Jacquard in the loom. First the yarn is loaded as warp and then loaded into the loom. The weavers use their hands and legs to weave the Saree.