The following are the tools and raw materials used for Dhurrie Weaving:
• Flying Shuttle: A shuttle is a tool, which compactly stores a holder that carries
the spindle of the weft yarn while weaving with a loom.
• Spindles: Spindles are wounded with yarns, which are loaded in a flying shuttle.
• Weighing Machine: It is used to check the weight of the yarn and Dhurrie.
• Handloom Machine: It is the machine used to weave the Dhurries.
• Yarns: Yarns are used for making Dhurries.
• Bamboo Sticks: During the dyeing process, bamboo sticks are used to hold the
• Warping Wheel: Yarns are wound around the warping wheel for the warping
• Charka: It is used to make threads out of cotton fibers. And it is also used to
spin the yarn to the spindles after the warping process.