Ramesh Parmar and his wife Shanti Parmarhave been making dolls for decades in Jhabua. They have been awarded certificates by several government organizations, at state level and national, for continuing the practice of this craft. Some of their family members also assist them in small tasks. This determined couple has also formed a ‘sanstha’ or group to empower local women and provide them with livelihood.
It is called ‘Prashikshit Audyogik Kaamgaar Karigar Sehkari Sanstha’. The women are happy to come and work under a shelter and earn money for doing something as simple as filling cotton in tiny pieces of clothes or stitching them. About twenty women come to work at this centreand twenty work from their own homes in the village. So that makes it a total of forty! They work for eight hours daily at this centre. The young kids of the house obviously have enough action going on to be fascinated with, all the time.