In the month of September-October when the season ‘Sarat’ brings a bunch of white cloud in blue sky the whole Bengal celebrates ‘Durgapuja, Bengali’s biggest festival. When beautiful kasful (grass flower) paints the green land with a white touch the goddess Parbati visits to her own house (i.e. earth) with her four children Ganesh, Kartik, Swaraswati, Laxmi for five days and her arrival is celebrated with a great enthusiasm.
The wave of enthusiasm flows all across the Bengal with a spirit of togetherness. Shops use to be flooded with people perusing new dresses for themselves and their near and dear ones. These four days of Durgapuja people use to roam around from pandel to pandel to get a glance of devi durga. Road side food adds a bit of spice to their jubilant visit.
Beside all these festive reverberation Durgapuja provides an amount of employment opportunity to many people. Some of them earn only during this season such as ‘Mritsilpi’ (Clay artiest), ‘Dhaki’ (drummer), Pandel maker etc.