On their way, the girls collect small presents of cash, sweets. This continues for 10 days i.e. up to the conclusion of the Gangaur festival when the girls break their pots and throw the debris into the well or a tank and enjoys a feast with the collected gifts.
The festival reaches its climax during the last three days. The images of Gauri and Isar are dressed in new garments specially made for the occasion.
During the afternoon, at an auspicious hour, the procession is taken out with the images of Isar and Gauri, placed on the heads of married women. The procession is escorted by traditionally dressed camels, bullock carts, horses and elephants. Women and men dress in their traditional attire. This procession heads towards a well, bawdi or any water resource. This is believed to be the departure of Gauri to her husband's house. Women sing songs for the leaving of Gauri.
For two days the procession comes back after offering water. While on the final day, Gauri faces in the same direction as shiva and the procession completes by throwing all the images in the water. Thus, women offer farewell to Gauri and turn their eyes, as not to see her. This is how the Gangaur festival comes to an end.