In India, Nataraj Shiva who is known for going into dance for acquiring a device to save the Vedas from being lost gave 14 aphorisms called Shivasootras. He delivered them by striking his trinklet (Damaru). In addition to this, Ganapati Atharna Sukta especially makes it clear that Ganapati is Bramha, Vishnu, Rudra, Indra, Wayu, Surya, Chandrama, Brahma-bhu-Bhuwah-Swaha and Aum.
The Sun is the first representation of God in the Vedas praised by the Gayatri Mantra- his circular form permeate everywhere in the universe, so is the round end of the Damaru of Shiva. (Interwoven with the Gayatri Mantra in Devanagiri).
Understanding all the Suktas Late A.B. Walawalkar, who was drawn to this subject, established the Maheshwari technic of logical vowel-consonantal forms. The Damaru, as it strikes, gives 5 classes of sound- the Guttural, Palatal, Lingual, Dental and Labial. When you do a bi-section you get two and by tri-section of a circle, you get three. The crescents obtained by bi-section were assigned to Guttural and Labial and those obtained by tri-section were assigned to Palatal, Dental classes. Thus the Crescent script was designed by Ganesha.