A. The mixture of cooked rice, Glass powder, Colour, soap, Glue, and “Suvakhar” is kneaded to get a semi-solid dough like form. This dough is called “Lugadi”.
B. Two poles are fixed approximately at a distance of 20 to 30 feet. The uncolored thread wound between the two poles in several layers.Thesemi solid, dough like color-mix is then applied on the threads by hands. The application process is done on the entire length of the thread. This process is repeated 3-4 times to get a rich and uniform colour. After the coloring the thread is wound on the ‘Firki’ using ‘Charakho’(wheel). This process requires two people. One unties the thread while the other winds it around the ‘Firki’. While one unties the colored thread from the poles the other winds the thread on the wheel.