This art form needs lot of patience, delicacy and concentration. The leaves which are used for painting are usually peepal tree leaf or banyan tree leaf. Firstly the leaves are pluck from the tree and is been segregated in varied sizes. Then leaves are soaked in a bowl of water for about ten to fifteen days. Purpose of soaking the leaves is to remove the outer layer of the leaves. Leaves are transferred from one to many bowls of water to sustain the whiteness of the veins and to avoid the decaying of the leaves. After the leaves are completely sunk, it is been washed under soft flowing water with the hands and tooth brush very cautiously. This process needs to be done with very much patience. The outer surface of the leaves is washed off and the skeleton leaves are obtained which is in half white in colour. The skeleton leaves are kept for dry under the sunlight. Leaves after dried under the sun, it sustains some strength for itself which helps in holding the paints. Leaves are then packed and kept in a plastic pouch to avoid any kind of damage or dust.
Leaf is only painted with oil paints rather than other paints to get the lustrous effect. Further painting is done on the leaves with paints mixed with kerosene which gives out a good effect. First the leaf is kept on a flat broad to give support. Then it is composed with a drawing which is done with the help of number zero brush and black paint mixed with kerosene. The artisan chooses mother and child theme to draw. The artisan is so skilled and confident that he drew the figures free hand. Then bright colours are mixed with kerosene and is used to fill the drawn figure with number two to number four round brushes. Colours have been painted with the sense of colour composition. After painting completely, the leaf is given an embellished look by giving a bright florescent colour outline.
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