Metal casting in India has been practiced from long generations. The idols are made in different sizes like 2inch, 3inch up to 14 feet. The 14 feet huge idols are used in temples for worshipping. Whereas the small and medium sized idols are used as home décor as well as for worship. The artisan (craftsmen) in Norbulingka institute makes at least 8 idols per day. The cost of the products depends on the sizes which start from Rs 150/-. Mostly Buddha in different forms are made more in number, some of the other products are as below;
1. Padma Sambhava: is also known as Guru Rinpoche who transmitted Vajrayana Buddhism to the Tibet, Bhutan and other neighboring countries.
2. Sonam Tsemo: is a famous Buddhist scholar and spiritual leader of Tibetans.
3. Shakyamuni Buddha: Popularly known as Gautama Buddha, who founded Buddhism
4. Avalokiteshvara: is a compassion of all Buddha’s which portrays it also refers as Padmapani which hold lotus in the left hand.
5. Green thara: It is also known as mother of all Buddha’s, it is savior from all fears.
6. Vajrapani: is the deities who also known as a protector of Buddha.
7. Mahasiddha Ghanatapa: They are the type of yogis who has empowerment to act as guru.
8. Ushnishavijaya: It is well known goddesses which symbolizes longitivity of Buddha.
9. Vajrapani: It refers to the protector of Buddha.