Mojari is one of the special hand crafted footwear of Jaipur in Rajasthan state of India. Though India is known for its rich cultural heritage and vastness, the mojari’s of Jaipur stands for its own identity in itself hailing its origin from the rule of the Maharaja’s and Maharani’s who ruled Jaipur.
It is not right if the Rhmani community is not mentioned where ever the mojari is mentioned. As this is one of the community of Rajasthan that transferred this craft of mojari making to their younger ones from generations. Now a days it is not only this community of people continuing this craft even others are involving in learning and making of this craft.
As Rajasthan was rich for its camels, in olden days most of the mojari’s were made from them as days and years went by this was made on the goat, buffalo leathers and nowadays with a mixture of resin leathers and rubber as availability and cost effectiveness.
Most of the mojari craftsmen can be seen at the Hawamahal Bazar making different parts of the mojari each with a group of about six to eight people. Hawamahal Bazar generally makes the mojari of the sizes varying from 5 to 12 of both male and female types. As the foot wares of Rajasthan are largely known for the workmanship quality and the wide richness of its design.