A plastic cylindrical tube is taken to roll the metal wire over it to form a loop depending on the size of the flower, which makes a petal shape. Plier is used to twisting the wire gently and cut the loose end. Four more wire loops of the same size are made with the help of a cylindrical tube. Bright colour attractive nylon cloth is wrapped around the loop. It is stretched and tied towards the end with the help of a sewing thread of similar colour. Care should be taken while stretching and pulling the nylon that it should not get a tear. The extra nylon at the end is trimmed that is the procedure of making petals. Near about five to six petals are made for making one flower. The same procedure is followed to make multiple petals or leaves. Stamens are threaded on the stem with the chosen colour. This makes the bud of a flower. Ready-made stamens are also available to fix at the center of the flower.
After that artisan takes one petal and ties it with the bud and stamen tightly by using a thread, all petals are attached to form the shape of a flower. The wire left below the flower is wrapped by green tape, and green leaves are added in between the stem. The orchid flower is completed and looks so irresistible.