Process - Papier Mache:
The artists use special clays and bio-wastes for strengthening and reinforcement of the articles. They have to be very careful while performing the work as the process involved is very tenuous and requires constant check at every point.The Patachitracraft is the mother source of this tradition. Mukha, masks are made using a mould of clay and newspaper. Paper and cloth rags are soaked and applied in layers with locally made gum on the mould. The finishing stage involves application of sawdust mixed with gum which is left to dry.After drying the figure is polished with sandpaper for a sleek and lustrous finish. The inspiration of Patachitrais evident in the use of natural colours and detailing of the figure’s facial features. The colours are manufactured from natural objects like seashells and rocks. The characteristic features of the patachitra style such as outlines of the figure’s eyes in red and black can be observedin the Papier Mache masks as well. Masks of deities, demons and animals are made for use in the local folk and classical dance and theatre performances. The figures and other products like dolls, pen stands and lampshades are fabricated in many sizes and designs.