City of Wadhwan is situated in Surendranagar district of Gujarat. Wadhwan produces largest amount of Bandani materials in Gujarat. The Bandhani products of Wadhwan are affordable to common people. 75% of Wadhwan population is engaged in this business in one or the other way. Business of Bandhani was started in wadhwan by the Brahmkshtriya (Khatri) community and still most of the brahmkshtriyas are involved in this business. Now days other communities are also getting involved in this business. Main reason for this is that Wadhwan’s bandhani is famous in Gujarat and in other parts of India. Water of Wadhwan is one of the key reason for the development of this business here. Wadhwan is also the place where the Bandhani was born. Wadhwan’s soil was also a reason for development of this business. In olden days when colours where made from the natural elements the soil of Wadhwan had widest range of colours available at that time. Later with time, due to modernization and competition now they do not use the natural colour any more. The bandhani of Wadhwan was so famous that other royal families of the state and country also use to buy bandhani from Wadhwan. Surendranagar produces high amount of quality cotton, so good quality cloths were also available here. Because of these reasons Wadhwan and It’s Bandhani are famous.