Selecting the cleaned and collecting the evenly lengthier rice grain individually initiates the process of rice jewelry making. The plastic eyes that are used for making stuff toys are bought from the local market and used here. The upper bulge glossy eyelid area is separated from its black hard stud attached to its back in those plastic eyes. These black studs are used as the back support for the rice stud earrings. On the black hard stud of the plastic eye, the fabric glue is applied and the glue is spread evenly all over the stud. Rice grain is then stuck to the black stud one by one, by leaving empty space in the middle of the glued region. As the first layer of rice grain sticking gets completed again the middle region of the earring is applied glue and the second layer of rice grain is stuck to it. Likewise even the third layer of rice grain is stuck and the center area of the earring is glued. On that the pearl or the colored beads are stuck to make the earring look more attractive. The same procedure of sticking the rice grain is followed on the hairclips to decorate it as per the design. Using the similar methodology of decorating the hairclips and making the earrings are done by using other grains and pulses like wheat, paddy, elachi and etc. These earrings made of natural grains are also colored according to the customer’s demand!
Flow Chart of Making Process: