Artisan bought shells from store, if artisan collected shells from beach; first Artisan will rinse the shells in water to clean. Artisan apply glue (Now a days Artisans are using hot glue gun for stick the shells) on mud pot in small sections and place the shells into glue and hold it few second. Continuing to apply glue in small sections, pressing various sized shells into glue. Artisan using toothpicks with small shells for decorate the pot to look more attractive. So Artisan will fill 2 or 3 drops of glue inside the seashell and attached on top of tooth pick and kept it for dry. And Artisan took a thermocol sheet and cut it in to small pieces according to the pot size and inserted this thermocol pieces inside the pot and filled completely. Now artisan took decorated toothpicks and placed on top of thermocol.
You can follow the same process for decorate objects like ashtrays, lampshades, coasters, chandeliers, curtains, pot hangers, tablemats, clocks and mirror frame.