Different types of tools and raw materials are used for cutting and engraving of the wood for sitar making.
• Tun or Indian Rose Wood: It is used to make the Sitars.
• Mixture of Charcoal and Adhesive: It is used to paste the body parts of Sitar.
• Varnish: It is used for polishing the Sitar.
• Strings: They are plucked to produce sound.
• Camel Bone: It is used to tighten the strings.
• Celluloid Membrane: It is used for the inlay work.
• Chisel: It is used to carve the wood.
• Gouges: It is used to scoop the wood while carving.
• Files: It is used to make the surface smooth.
• Mallet: It is used as hammers to shape the wood.
• Chirna: It is used to sharp pen shaped metal tool.
• Bow Drill: It is used to drill holes.
• Hand Saw: It is used to cut the wood into required size and shape.