The village Tangmang was quite well organized and had a well-established NGO, which is operated under the Pynurrsla Community Development Block. Bamboo mat making and basket making were household activities in every home in the village. It was predominantly an activity pursued by women of the village.
The bamboo species used by the villagers in Tangmang are locally called Shken (Bambusa Pallida) and Rangai (Bambusa Tudla). These are usually cultivated. However, bamboo from the forest cannot be cut or collected as per community norms amongst the War tribes. Bamboo is locally harvested usually in the months of December and used locally for the construction of houses, fencing, flooring, animal cages; and for making a number of utilitarian craft items such as mats, baskets, caskets and other household articles. These are usually sold to middlemen on market day in the nearest town Pynurrsla.
The outer sheath of Shken (Bambusa Pallida) is usually used by the womenfolk for mat weaving. This activity is usually undertaken during the rainy season months of May to September. Simple hand tools are used for cutting, splitting, slicing and weaving the bamboo strips.
Video documentation about the details of the Mat weaving process was made. This weaving was undertaken by a group of nearly 15 craftswomen of the village. Deft hands split, cut and wove the mats with great finesse. Stained teeth, the result of being habituated to chewing beetle leaves was an impression left between us as we heard their Khasi chatter, as they worked along.
Mat Weaving Process: