Talakad or Talakadu, an ancient town located towards the left bank of the river Kaveri/Cauvery. It is located at a distance of 185kms from Bengaluru and lies a very short distance of 45kms from Mysuru. It is place of pre-historic settlements. The major portion of this region is covered by sand. Talakadu was once a part of Ganga Empire and then came under the control of Cholas. Later Hoysalas ruled it and then the region fell into the hands of Vijayanagara kingdom for a certain period of time. Further the King of Vijayanagara ruled this region and was taken over by the Wadiyars of Mysuru.
Talakadu is a historical treat for those with a historical bend of mind. The town is famous for several claims. One of the predominant claims is the curse that turned to thriving town into a sandy shore with sand dunes of about 15 meters high. Talakadu, once a wonderful city more than thirty temples was suppressed under sand since 16th century. According to the history the disaster was caused due to the natural calamity during the rule of Wadiyars, but as per the local myth the reason for this phenomenon takes an other dimension which states that the cause for this sandy shore is because of the curse of Queen Alamelu of this region.
Talakadu Name Story: