The abode of the creators of the wooden toys deeply reflects their life. As one moves through the narrow twisted lanes of Varanasi, more and more houses are revealed with Indian motifs painted on their exterior walls. As their life revolves around creating the toys of gods & goddesses, kings & queens, mythological characters and typically Indian motifs, very aptly are colored their houses.
White walls with colorful paintings on them ooze out the traditional and cultural base of the craftsmen. These paintings are very inspirational in the sense that they show us the pride the craftsmen of Varanasi take in their craft. From the exterior walls to the interior walls of the kitchen, living room etc. are adorned with these beautiful paintings.
The paintings on the walls are very similar to the toys these craftsmen create. For ex- men riding on a elephant, parrots, toys of gods, esp. Ganesh, Hanuman, etc.
The figures of gods and goddesses painted on the walls, doors and even on the water tank, contributes a lot to the artistic environment in Varanasi and leads to an expression in the forms of the craft practiced by the craftsmen here. Such an environment builds stage not only for the craftsmen but also for the tourists who get lured by the beauty of the wooden toys.
Ghats are unique sites in themselves as they host multiple activities at a time at the same place. People come here to pray, relax and have a boat ride along the Ghats. Other activities happening here range from vending, Yoga, playing Cricket, Kite flying and sometimes classical music performances.