• He is a man with many hats as architecture, industrial designer, game designer, and cognitive science.
• He was a JJ School of Architecture student, then went on to complete his studies at Illinois Institute of
Technology, Chicago as an industrial designer.
• He has worked as an architect for four years before switching to Industrial Design and is committed to
research the connections between language design, design decisions, and cognitive science.
• His projects deal with culture-specific localization of products and systems that support the usage of
• He joined IDC as a faculty on 1st Jan 1970 and had joined because it allowed him to teach as well as
practice design.
• He saw IDC as the Indian version of Bauhaus in the making.
• He has been managing his time for more than 38 years between design education, design research, and
design consulting for companies.
• He believes that for a teacher to qualify to teach must be a good practicing designer.
• He has shown great interest in the role of mental imagery and visualization in the design process and
early creative thinking.
• His expertise is in ‘People watching’ research (Ethno studies) and converting insights into new product
• His interests are in frugal design, and he has focused on areas like innovation in affordable housing
and designing purposeful frugal games to support education.
• His focus is on areas like Product semantics, the role of mental imagery; Spatial intelligence and Visual
thinking, and Design thinking.
• He prefers a cognitive and theoretical approach to subjects of product semantics and the concept of
• He has partaken in projects like the postbox redesigning, the India-specific low-cost ATM for NCR, which
received the President's award, undertaken as a faculty in the Industrial Design Centre in IIT Bombay.
The design insights he gathered from them and their relevance have helped him in his current works. His
projects now deal with culture-specific localization of products and systems that support the usage of
products. He has also helped structure many courses of Game Design in some of the design schools.