Design process that was followed in this project:
• Introduction to project
- The initial Design Brief
- Time line
- A brief introduction to the working of startups
- Summarizing Approach plan
• Research Phase
. Background study
- Identifying focus areas
- User interviews of entrepreneurs
- Interview with mentors
- Literature on types of startups and phase within them
. Identifying problem areas
- Listing of issues
- Short comings and Drawbacks in the approach
. Redefining the Brief
- Rational for the definition
- Interview with Incubators SINE IITB
. Redefined Brief
. Understanding Business Incubators
- Overall System
- Application Process
- Incubation Period
• Ideation Phase
. Mind maps and Initial brainstorming
. Identification of Role players
- Identification of all role players in the system
- Identifying the users of the system to be designed
- Focus and problem areas
. System Design Concepts
. System Concept #1
. System Concept #2
- Reason for being discarded
. System Concept #3
- Reason for being discarded
. Taking forward Concept #1
. Initial Approach (dividing concept into 3 basic parts)
. Initial list of features and content
. Analysing initial approach
. Concept #1 in a new perspective
- Initial approach (basic content screens)
. Final Concept
- Wire frame
. Detailing and screenshots
- Screen shots
• Testing and correction phase
- Testing
- Corrections and Future directions
• Bibliography and References
Case Study Downloads:
• “Ubika” Aid for Entrepreneual Ventures in India - Pdf