The process followed for designing the above contexts:
• Concept Generations
• Design Renderings
• Scenario
• Inspirations
• Details
Concept Generations:
The main idea behind this product development is to cool water and also store fruits and keep them fresh on the dining table, which will create a different experience for the people.
Some of Initial concepts were as follows:
Concept - 01:
Concept - 02:
From initial concepts, I converged into detail concepts and different forms were developed according to the way fruits are stored in product. Hence the concepts were more developed by looking at the fact of storing water and fruits. These sketches were developed after the brain storming sessions on the initials concepts prepared.
Concept - 03:
From the Concept 02 stage, more clarity about the product reflected, regarding how the product will be placed on the dining table. So these concepts were looking on different aspects of the product which will create new experience for the people. Concepts were also explored for the handle of the product.
Concept - 04:
The details of the product were worked out and the fruit storage niche patterns in the product were also explored, from organic patterns to circular patterns, from Voronoi diagram patterns to honey comb patterns.
Some more iterations on the forms were done to make the product more appealing on the dining table.
Design Renderings.
Product in its scenario
Inspirations for the Product.