The process followed for designing the above contexts:
• Concept Generations
• Design Renderings
• Scenario
• Inspirations
• Details
Concept - 01:
Different concepts were explored by trying out different forms.
Concept - 02:
Cultural Study:
Public place always have great influence of culture, so each element and product of public place have a story about the culture which it holding, so first thing I did after some initial concept creations is the image study of Indian culture with drinking water, it started from drinking from streams and natural water bodies, then to wells and now to the pipe water. So my journey is started off with form related concepts.
More image study on culture and drinking.
Some more images showing the relation of human and drinking water, also the image has shown the relation of water and land.
Concept - 03 and 04
After initial concept creation, started looking at Indian wells as inspiration from where people started to take drinking water. So I took the invert part of the well and its stepping made of bricks and natural stones.
Concept - 03:
Concept - 04:
Concept - 05 and 06
Some of initial rendering exploration or the journey of the design:
Renderings were done to better and clear the quality of concepts; initially concept was explored with taking inspirations from the well steps and the brick laying patterns.
Concept - 05
Concept - 06
Concept - 07, 08, 09 and 10:
More explorations were done on well form; the number of rings and the pattern of the rings are varying in each concept shown. In concept 07 and Concept 08 the rings are tapering down till the end, but in concept 05 and concept 06 keeping the bottom ring same as just above ring give totally a different aesthetic.
Concept - 11, 12, 13 and 14:
The shown concepts in this page are explored with the more abstraction works of wellness in the product. The well steps are abstracted to a gentle slope and the brick patterns were abstracted. In concept 12, concept 13 and concept 14 the steps were again introduced to get the feel of the well steps, which are a part of wells.
Concept - 15, 16, 17 and 18:
These concepts were explored to visualize the integration of top element and bottom ring. In concept 15 bottom ring is kept as plane without any patterns, which reduces the cooling of water in the canvas because of restricted air flow. So the concept 16 provides a brick patterned holes, and in concept 17 and concept 18 the water droplets are abstracted in the form of circles.
Concept - 19:
In concept 19 the bricks are well abstracted in the top element and the bottom ring is inspired from the large concrete stones in Nariman point – Mumbai, where people are directly interacting with water and land.
Below shown are the concept explorations worked out for the hand press to operated the public drinking water fountain or Pyaoo, which later changed to foot pedal for the convenience and easy usage of the product.
Concept - 20, 21, 22 and 23:
Some more explorations to visualize the design of the pedal and the bottom ring in the public water fountain / Pyaoo.
Concept - 24, 25, 26 and 27:
Different patterns are tried out with the same element in the bottom ring and you can also see the revised pedal design which integrates with the bottom ring patterns.
Concept - 28:
Concept 28 showed is continued as the final design concept, the brick patterns in the wells are abstracted in the top element and the bottom ring pattern also finalized including the designs of the pedal.
Water outlet cluster is designed by taking inspirations from the lotus bud and the water jets are coming from the bud, as lotus is considered as a sacred flower in Indian culture.
Product in its scenario
Inspirations for the Product.