The Mad Mangrove is a visual narration that marks the most challenging green revolution by Mr Kallen Pokkudan towards rejuvenating a lost ecosystem by planting mangroves. Present-day mangroves are on the verge of extinction. The mangrove trees are being cut drastically for developmental activities; however, people are not aware of their ecological and environmental consequences.
I realize it’s high time to make people aware of Kallen Pokkudan’s selfless activities. Here I attempt to convey the significance of mangrove and develop awareness among the readers through his remarkable life events. I hope that it would make people conscious about the need of the hour for conserving the mangroves for coming generations. The project is wholly based on the life incidents of Kallen Pokkudan. All the details have been gathered from his autobiography, biography, personal interviews, documentary articles and interview with his acquaintances. This project unfolds a common man’s personality and selfless act towards his commitment to nature and the community he belongs to. I hope this visual narration would make people from all walks of life realize the importance of conserving the dying mangrove forest cover and taking the batten of mangrove conservation from Kallen Pokkudan to re-instate the lost legacy mangrove forest.
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• The Mad Mangrove......