The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) recently launched its annual flagship report State of World Population 2019. According to this report, India’s population is growing at an average annual rate of 1.2% between 2010 and 2019. India is projected to become the world's most populous nation by 2028, with a population of some 1.45 billion [1]. This population can be a demographic dividend provided it is mentally and physically healthy.
‘Health is wealth’— जानहैतोजहानहै।— आरोग्यमधनसंपदा। are some of the most common proverbs known by children. The ‘health’ referred to here is the kind of well-being about which nobody feels ashamed to talk about even if it goes bad. However, when it comes to SRH i.e. Sexual Reproductive Health, a majority of the population is uncomfortable talking about it and most are even unaware of what it means.
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