Due to reduction in the cost of smartphones and mobile data service, smartphones are becoming popular in India. Increase in the popularity of social networking platforms like Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp has enticed people across all age groups and genders to adopt smartphones. Global trends suggest that youngsters are adopting to smartphones and social platforms more easily than middle aged people.
The middle-aged people, who are not proficient in English as well as have less exposure to digital devices, are one of the most affected user group in terms of smartphone of adoption. Smartphone adoption of this user group has remained limited due to their reluctance and unavailability of appropriate learning aid.
Their problem has two aspects, motivation and learning. In terms of motivation, this user group lacks a sustainable drive to use smartphones as they do not perceive its usefulness due to lack of exposure. Learning aspect of the problem involves first time usability problems i.e. lack of knowledge about already existing conventions of smartphone usage (visual, interaction and information related).
In this project, We provide a solution to this problem by creating a tutorial creation and sharing platform, titled as तंत्रमित्र. We propose a unique tutorial format which is optimized for smartphones. This tutorial format is capable of providing localized and engaging learning experience to user. The proposed platform enables users to create tutorials on their smartphone and share it with novice user. In addition, the proposed platform includes the concept of online tutorial hub. On the Online Tutorial Hub, application makers can host tutorials for their application and users can download or recommend these online tutorials.
Case Study Download:
• Tantramitra - Tutorial Sharing Platform for Smartphone Users......