Design process that was followed in this project:
• Introduction to typography
• Importance of typography in Communication Design
• Learnings in typography
• Aim of the project
• Target audience
• Data collection
• A study report - Questionnaire
- Observations from the result analysis of the study report
- Conclusion
• A study report- Questionnaire (new design)
• Result analysis of the questionnaire
• Possible design solutions
• Medium of the end product
• Study of the existing games on font identification
• Desirable qualities of the end product
• Design concepts
- Design concept 1
- Design concept 2
• Final design concept of the game
- Name and logo of the game
- Functions of the website
- Visual clues
- Digitized screen images of design concept 2
• Functions of the website
• Layout iterations
- Iteration 1
- Iteration 2
- Iteration 3
• Final functions of the website
• Final output of Type ID game
• Conclusion
• Feedback
• References
• Bibliography
Case Study Download:
• Type ID Game - Pdf