Typography plays a key role in an Visual Communication, as letter forms speak and communicate with the user. This would happen when appropriate font is used for the design, which is one of the important facts of typography. For the practising professional as well as the student, it is important to possess the ability to select the right font for the right message. The ability to observe and identify fonts is also a very important step in learning typography.
The Aim of the project is to create a set of activities to improve the ability of a person to identify fonts. This set of activities will not only test and guide a person towards achieving a greater sense of visual sensitivity and observation, but also provides valuable data on different fonts, guidelines on how to identify intricate visual detailing of fonts.
The output of this project is an online game to identify fonts and format of the game is a multiple choice questionnaire with four visual clues provided in helping the player to identify the font. During the interaction, the game’s interface also presents visual clues and helps the user to improve the observation ability and also gives on hints on where the user has gone wrong.
Case Study Download:
• Type ID Game - Pdf