Has ordering food ever been a daunting task for you? If you are a tourist visiting India, or even a local traveling from one state to other within India, at times names on a menu card can seem completely alien. Even a bilingual menu card, with explanatory notes and pictures of ingredients, preparation do not seem to do justice to the nuances and stories of traditional Indian cuisine. How can dining be made an engaging experience, both for tourists and locals?
Each state in India has a distinct traditional cuisine of its own. Diversity of food items is seen not only in the number of dishes prepared per state but also in number of items in any given meal. Take for instance ‘thali’. Prefix a state name and it represents a wholesome dinner or lunch consumed in that particular state. Gujarati, Bengali, Assamese, Andhra Pradesh, Punjabi the list of ‘thalis’ and the food items they serve are endless.
• Can such a rich, diverse culinary tradition act like a window to a region’s culture?
If the answer is yes, this is a great opportunity for tourists and locals, to find their way into a culture through local food.
• Can dinning, especially one involving traditional cuisine be made into a richer experience?
• How about a Visual Appetite?