Aim of the Course:
The course aims to understand and necessitate the various aspects of packaging to display pertaining to retail students.
The objective is to assimilate the following:
• To understanding basics of packaging.
• To study different types and methods of packing for different products.
• To understand the environment of retail store in terms of packaging and display.
• To study/understand consumer behaviour in retail store.
• To understand and analyse packaging in nature (fruits, vegetables, nuts, trees etc.) anything that inspires in terms of form, function and arrangement/construction.
• To apply the bio-inspired designs in developing innovative packaging studying the current trends.
Nature’s packing techniques are the best way to understand the meaning of packaging. Packaging was restricted to hollowing out of a gourd or drying of an animal fur in early days, due to the demand of products to ship to other cities, technologists realised and started using different materials like paper, wood, glass, iron, aluminium and other metals for packing, which would increase the life of a product. Businessman found the potential of packed food that sealing food in tin would extend the life of a product if it had their name on it and material scientists innovated various materials based on the type of product. [1]
Today, thousands of materials and techniques available in packing the products to increase the life, however technologists and designers are working on innovative methods of packing, forms and labelling the pack. Package design must suggest the product it contains or the audience it is meant for. Design idea should make a connection with consumer on either a logical or an emotional level.
The packaging of any product starts by understanding the product i.e. its properties and behaviour towards packing material. Appropriate package materials always add value (decrease or increase cost) value appealing with tactile interest and decrease (or increase) environmental impact.
Glass, Metal (Tin, Aluminium and Stainless Steel), Plastic, Cardboard and Wrappers are the common materials, among all glass and metal are the oldest used in packaging.