Thousands of written marks - as letters
are produced day and night.
They surround us, all around us.
Millions of them are not created - Just produced.
These seemingly harmless and innocuous looking signs
can no more be taken for granted.
Their formal potential must be explored.
These must be touched, felt, heard and experienced.
The quest for perfect form must go on,
forever, everywhere
not just for the sake of writing
but for the 'ultimate beyond'
All the best to the text, to all of us
The trees write volumes of non-readable yet writable text
on the empty expanse of space around them.
Only if we could read the furious text
Written by them on a stormy night.
Mountains are frozen marks on earth.
It takes thousands of years to write such epics
The winding paths are written swashes
Flowing in all directions intertwined.
In search of the unknown.
A streak of water follows the natural surface dedicatedly
In order to achieve its free verse on the face of Mother Earth.
Ploughing is an act of linear writing.
Only then seed thoughts emerge.
Travel leaves footprints as marks.
The act of writing is performed while walking. After a while,
the written text disappears, but that doesn’t matter.
The act of writing for the sake of writing is significant in the same way,
as writing with letters which is expected to result into something
Such written marks all over the body of Mother Earth and the vast
expanse of Shunya which hold them are the real cultural identities.
Such individual marks as an entity or the collectiveness of these marks
as writable text is still unreadable by the present human eye and the mind.
Such texts, floating all around us would contain environmental
treatises, which the new green breed may eventually be able
to see, read, experience, marking them 'environment literate'.
We will have to be part of society.
We will have to associate with other.
We will have to strike a cordial note.
And explore the inherent relationship
Everyday movements and dance
Dramatics and expression
Writing styles and printing
Typography and Calligraphy
Painting and musical notes
Sound and Colour
Colour and architecture
Architecture and life.
And to do this,
We must demolish ivory towers.
Cut our hair short.
Lines must be charged with current.
Spirit poured into letters.
Pronunciations of dashes and dots deepened.
Now we must learn to talk.
we must learn to read and to write.