As a part of the collaborative design studio project, we set out to address under-reported news in the form of comprehensive and approachable stories. Having looked extensively at Indian and foreign publications, we realised that there was scope for something better than the current standard of content being fed to Indian consumers.
We began with primary and secondary research, conducting a survey, interviews, and meeting with collaborators in order to understand our problem better. Through affinity mapping, we came to a clear design objective, which we used to systematically sort and cluster our ideas into workable models. These models came together to form the final concept for our project. Along the way, we also identified our user base and user types, along with our business model.
With our main intents and USP of being financially independent , topical yet timeless , and inclusive , we created Alochana. It is a publication operating in three spheres: web, social media and print, and in two financial modes: free and subscription-based. We focus on timeless stories created in collaboration with journalists, experts, and artists, news on under-reported topics, as well as certain crowd-funded, on-demand stories that are printed and sent to paying contributors as a monthly magazine. In a few years, we not only aim to become an independent publication funded and supported by its readers but also grow to become a sanctuary for lasting stories and Alochana.